Safety Tests

Additional Resources

Teacher Resources

Contact Info

Additional Safety Resources

Free Safety Resources:

 Flinn Scientific
      * Safety videos, PD training courses, case law

      * Free safety posters and tests

• ITEEA Council for Supervision and Leadership
      * Online Tool, Machine, and Lab Safety videos

• Technology and Engineering Education Association of Pennsylvania (TEEAP)
      * PA Department of Education Safety Guide

 Maryland Technology Education Facilities Guidelines

 Maryland State Dept. of Education Science Education Safety Manual


 Virginia Tech Machine Safety Tests and Worksheets

Suggested Safety Articles and Books:

Ferguson, C., Ford, G., & Bumgarner, R. (2010, April). A discussion of tort liability in engineering technology laboratories. The Engineering Educator of 2016. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference, Blacksburg, VA.

Gathercoal, F., & Stern, S. (1987). Legal issues for industrial educators. Ann Arbor, MI: Prakken Publications.

Gunter, R. E. (2007). Checking safety in technology education. Technology Teacher, 66(6), 5-13.

Haynie, W. J., III. (2008). Are we compromising safety in the preparation of technology education teachers? Journal of Technology Education, 19(2), 94-98.

Haynie, W. J., III. (2009). Safety and liability in the new technology laboratory. Technology Teacher, 69(3), 31-36.

Love, T. S. (2014). Safety and liability in STEM education laboratories: Using case law to inform policy and practice [Electronic supplement]. The Technology and Engineering Teacher, 73(5), 1-13. Retrieved from

Love, T. S. (2013a). Addressing safety and liability in STEM education: A review of important legal issues and case law. The Journal of Technology Studies, 39(2), 28-41. Retrieved from

Love, T. S. (2013b). Using case law to address technology and engineering education safety and liability in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Technology and Engineering Education Association of Pennsylvania Journal, 61(2), 6-8.

Roy, K. (2009). The Safety Legal Paper Trail. Science Teacher, 76(2), 12-13.

Roy, K. R. (2012). The NSTA ready-reference guide to safer science (Vol. 3). Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association press.

Roy, K. (2014). Safety requires collaboration! Science Scope, 37(8), 58-59.

Ryan, K. (2001). Science classroom safety and the law: A handbook for teachers. Flinn Scientific, Inc.

Storm, G. (1993). Managing the occupational education laboratory (2nd ed.). Ann Arbor, MI: Prakken Publications.

Toglia, T. V. (2009). Keeping it safe: Safety and liability advice for CTE programs. Tech Directions, 68(6), 17-21.

Zirkel, P. A., & Barnes, M. B. (2011). Negligence liability of K-12 chemistry teachers: The need for legal balance and responsible action. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(8), 1050.

Safety Agencies:

American Association for Vocational Instruction Materials (AAVIM)
120 Driftmier Engineering Center
University of Georgia, Athens, GA  30602

American Hearing Research Foundation
55 East Washington Street
Chicago, IL  60602

American National Standards Institute, Inc.
1430 Broadway
New York, NY  10013

American Red Cross

American Society of Safety Engineers
1800 East Oakton Street
Des Plaines, IL  60018

American Technical Publishers, Inc.
(formerly American Technical Society)
155 W. 175th Street
Homewood, IL  60430

Association for Career & Technical Education (ACTE)
1410 King Street
Alexandria, VA  22314

Better Hearing Institute
5021-B Backlick Road
Annandale, VA 22003

Center for Occupational Hazards
Art Hazards Institute
5 Beekman Street
New York, NY  10038

Center for Occupational Research and Development
601-C Lake Air Road
Waco, TX  76710

Consumer Product Safety Commission
5401 Westbard Avenue
Bethesda, MD  20861

EMC Publishing
300 York Avenue
St. Paul, MN  55101

Environmental Protection Agency

Industrial Health Foundation, Inc.
34 Penn Circle West
Pittsburgh, PA  15206

Industrial Safety Equipment Association, Inc.
1901 North Monroe Street
Arlington, VA  22210

Modern Talking Pictures Service
(This and other media service organizations may be contacted through local school media centers.)

The National Research and Dissemination Centers
(formerly National Center for Research in Vocational Education):
National Research Center for Career and Technical Education
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
1954 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, MN  55108 

National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education 
The Ohio State University
1900 Kenney Road
Columbus, OH  43210-1090

National Fire Protection Association

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Division of Training and Manpower
Curriculum Development Branch
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH  45226

National Safety Council
School & College Department
444 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL  60611

Prevent Blindness America®
(formerly National Society to Prevent Blindness)

(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Power Tool Institute
501 West Algonquin Road
Arlington Heights, IL  60005

Underwriters Laboratories
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL  60062

U.S. Department of Labor
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20210


Created by Tyler S. Love

Copyright © 2000/2006/2014 by the International Technology and Engineering Educators Association. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher.